intimate motherhood – PHOTOGRAPHER UNA OGE
intimate motherhood
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intimate motherhood


Inspired by one of my images, the lovely Carla Auguste wrote these lines:


In these realms of rushing emotional states, exchange happens.
One comes, one goes.
It’s not easy to distinguish what a hug, a touch can spark. It is whispering with a soft voice: darling, You are art. Without you I wouldn’t be able to exist yet. Without you I would still wait for my turn in the infinite stardust.
Unraveling forms of gratitude and joy finding its way through you, combined together in your smile.
Oh mother, Your eyes they hold me.
Oh child, You being here is so precious.


it was a pure session, skin on skin, documenting their nursing relationship, and the connection between them.
their precious time together, how secure this little one feels. what an incredible mother she is to him.
how glad they are, to have each other. and what I see too, is the light that they both shine into this world.

would you like to document yourself with your babe?

get in the picture, mama!

Sessions can either be at your place or at mine, as we did for this one.




21. June 2020


family, motherhood

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